Welcoming PR Partner, Brandigo!

Brandigo is one of China’s leading marketing and communications agencies for international brands and we are delighted to welcome them to Stelliers 2022 Greater China edition as our PR Partner.

Based in Shanghai, Brandigo’s team includes strategic planners, Chinese copywriters, designers, digital gurus, and media relations/influencer experts, and they have a thorough understanding – with 17 years of experience in China – of what works and how to compel your target customers to take action.

They reach Chinese customers of top global brands in both consumer and B2B industries by developing and deploying creative and effective marketing communications campaigns based on measurable data and customer insights.

Alongside the smart use of technology and modern media, Brandigo are able to inspire both action and feeling amongst consumers. They do so with a deep understanding of your target audience, based on intelligent strategy and practical up-to-date tactics to the reach them.

Click here to see how Brandigo can help promote your business.


Kevin Tan – Stelliers 2022 Judge!


Where Are They Now: Hildegard Anzenberger