Kevin Tan – Stelliers 2022 Judge!


Kevin Tan

Vice President of American Express Global Business Travel

and General Manager of CITS American Express Global Business Travel

Mr. Kevin Tan is the Vice President of American Express Global Business Travel and General Manager of CITS American Express Global Business Travel (CITS GBT), the joint venture in China between American Express Global Business Travel (GBT) and China International Travel Service (CITS). Kevin was appointed to this position in June 2016. In this role, Kevin is responsible for setting the strategic direction of CITS GBT and overseeing the execution of this strategy. He is a current member of the CITS GBT Board of Directors, and will continue in this capacity.

Kevin joined CITS American Express Global Business Travel in 2011 as the Chief Financial Officer responsible for leading the national team to formulate and implement a robust and comprehensive financial strategy to meet business objectives. Kevin has over 30 years of finance and general management experience and held different leadership positions across health care, manufacturing and education, both in the United States and in China.

Kevin holds both Master of Business Administration and Master of Accountancy degrees from Case Western Reserve University in USA.

Kevin is based in Shanghai and is fluent in Chinese and English.

Applications Now Open!

We are excited to once again celebrate the leading lights of the hospitality industry and are delighted to announce that applications are now open for the Stelliers 2022!

No matter the department, there is a category for every individual – be it within the hotel’s corporate office, the individual property or the owning company. For Stelliers 2022, the award categories will include everything from Marketing, Sales and Housekeeping through to Owner Representative, Chef, Corporate Hotelier and more.

To all of the dedicated, passionate and hard-working hoteliers, this is your opportunity to showcase all you have achieved in the last year and be recognised with this prestigious award. So whether you want to nominate yourself, or put forward a colleague that you think deserves recognition – now is your chance!

Apply Now!


One Month To Go!


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