Where Are They Now: Hildegard Anzenberger

Back in 2017, Hildegard Anzenberger won the Food and Beverage Stelliers Award. Since then, she has worked her way through the ranks and now holds the position of General Manager at The Langham Hefei!

We sat down with Hildegard to learn more about her journey and what it meant to become a Stellier.

Hildegard Anzenberger

Winner of the 2017 Food and Beverage Stelliers Award

Now: General Manager at The Langham Hefei

How and why did you get into the hospitality industry?

It was by accident, actually! I was supposed to attend university and only work in hospitality as a means to an end. I liked it considerably better than university though, so I dropped out to work full time.

A great mentor gave me the advice to build a solid foundation first, rather than be a nightclub bartender all my life. So, I began an apprenticeship in Germany. After gaining some work experience, I then went to earn my degree in hospitality management. From there, I had the opportunity to work at the Four Seasons, and then my first overseas posting in Thailand.

As the recipient of a Stelliers award in our 2017 edition, what did winning the award mean to you?

Food & Beverage – my chosen field – is a bit of a thankless profession; we work weekends, nights, long days, and most of the people one talks to have little understanding of what we actually do besides putting a plate on the table.

The Stelliers award is an industry recognition, and it felt so nice to receive a nod of approval from people that truly understood what I had put into my career.

Since winning the Stelliers award, what new opportunities and/or challenges have come your way?

A lot of things have happened since then.

I am still with the same company – Langham Hotels and Resorts – so I didn’t test the impact on the open job market. However, since my win I have been promoted twice – from Executive Assistant Manager to Hotel Manager, and then from Hotel Manager to General Manager.

Immediately after the win, the news generated a lot of interest in my person, both in and outside my company. I have been noticed more often, asked to participate in more projects and, all in all, feel that I have been taken a bit more seriously. Receiving this award has been very useful for making this step from area specialist to the all-round position of Hotel Manager. Each job had its challenges, but mostly it’s been great fun!

What advice would you give to those applying to Stelliers this year?

During my own application process, I had to remind myself quite often to not be humble and shy about my own accomplishments. Hospitality is an industry that treasures the hard-working, unsung hero who is perfectly content with having the knowledge of achieving a job well done, but we all accomplish so many good, and even great, things. Don’t hesitate to point your accomplishments out!

So, my advice would be: don’t be shy – blow your own trumpet. You deserve this award more than anyone else!

When it comes to the interview process – just be yourself. You are talking to experts in their field who want to see the real you, so don’t just try to do or say what you think will please them. The interviews are not something to be nervous about – the judges want you to win, so relax and enjoy the conversation.

I found the whole process very interesting and a lot of fun, so enjoy the ride!

Ever wondered how your career could blossom after receiving an industry-recognised award? Be sure to check out our applications process – you too could be a Stellier!

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