Two Weeks Until Applications Open!

With just two weeks until applications open for the 9th edition of Stelliers, we are excited to once again shine a light on industry talent and recognise them for their passion, dedication, and hard work.

This year, Stelliers will be open to any hotelier currently working in the hotel industry in Greater China and participants will be asked to share details about their achievements over the last year – including where they have exceeded expectations, targets, new initiatives, and more. 

Testimonials from a staff member, line manager, and General Manager will also be required and participants must have held their position for a minimum of 9 months before the application deadline (June 17, 2022).

It is 100% free of charge to apply for Stelliers. So, if you wish to be involved or nominate a colleague, be sure to read through our Entry Kit so you know exactly what to prepare ahead of time!


Applications Now Open!


Are You The Next Stellier?