Applications Now Open!

We are excited to once again celebrate the leading lights of the hospitality industry, and are delighted to announce that applications are now open for the Stelliers 2022!

No matter the department, there is a category for every individual – be it within the hotel’s corporate office, the individual property or the owning company. For Stelliers 2022, the award categories will include everything from Marketing, Sales and Housekeeping through to Owner Representative, Chef, Corporate Hotelier and more.

To view the full list of categories for Stelliers 2022, click here.

If you are a hotelier in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan, be sure to apply today! By doing so, you will inspire those around you – both within and outside the industry – as well as showcase how every individual can make an impact, even during unprecedented times.

To view Stelliers 2022 Key Dates, click here.

Ready to apply? Be sure to familiarise yourselves with everything you need to prepare for your application!

To all of the dedicated, passionate and hard-working hoteliers, this is your opportunity to showcase all you have achieved in the last year and be recognised with this prestigious award. So whether you want to nominate yourself, or put forward a colleague that you think deserves recognition – now is your chance!

We can’t wait to do what we do best, and that is shine a light on the people who make the hospitality industry so successful.

Applications close June 17, 2022. For any enquiries, please contact us at

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Welcoming Bordeaux Wines!


Two Weeks Until Applications Open!