Welcoming Beverage Partner, Perrier-Jouët

We are very proud to welcome Perrier-Jouët as a supporting partner for Stelliers 2021. Originally conceived from a love between Pierre-Nicolas Perrier and Rose-Adélaïde Jouët in 1811, the founders’ passion for art, nature and champagne has been passed down through the generations.

The family philosophy of creative freedom and an unconventional observation of nature is intrinsic to the history of champagne. These values shape Maison Perrier-Jouët to this day, and the House's enduring bond with art and nature translates to an extravagant universe which reinvents luxury as a meaningful experience with artistic collaborations.

Instantly recognisable around the world is the Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque, the original Belle Epoque vintage cuvée, first appearing in 1964. The bottle is adorned with the graceful spray of Japanese white anemones created for Maison Perrier-Jouët by Art Nouveau master Emile Gallé in 1902.

We are grateful for the support and look forward to celebrating with a glass (or two!) of Perrier Jouët at our Awards Ceremony this December. A fitting collaboration for such a momentous occasion in the hospitality calendar.


Church Road & Stelliers 2021


Interview with Charlie Zha | General Manager Finalist