Stelliers 2023: Frequently Asked Questions

Thinking of applying to Stelliers 2023, or submitting a nomination for a colleague you work with? Take a look at the following frequently asked questions about Stelliers and the application process!

1. Who can apply to Stelliers?
Any hotelier currently working in the hotel industry in Greater China (this includes Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan).

2. How much does it cost to apply?
It is 100% free of charge for hoteliers to apply for Stelliers. 

3. Can I nominate more than one person for Stelliers 2023?
Yes! Each property can nominate as many candidates as they like, 100% free of charge, so long as the candidate currently holds their position in the region of the competition.

4. Will hotels be judged in this competition?
No. Stelliers is a platform that focuses on recognising the individuals working within the hospitality industry.

5. What information is required to complete an application for Stelliers?
For more details on the information required to complete your application, please click here to view our Entry Kit.

6. If I applied for Stelliers in previous years, can I submit a new application for 2023?
Yes! However, if you are re-entering the competition, please refrain from submitting identical materials from previous years. The achievements and supplements shared should reflect the past 12 months from date of submission.

7. What happens once I have submitted an application?
Applications will be screened to ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria. We will inform the applicant if the application is not eligible or if the category changes.

How will candidates’ applications be judged?
Stelliers has a judging panel composed of five experts who, between them, hold a plethora of industry-specific skills and knowledge. The selection process completed by the judging panel is rigorous to ensure the right balance of experience, objectivity and knowledge.

Vetted applications will be shared with the judges, who will individually review the applications for each award category before selecting their top five candidates. 

Prior to the Finalist Announcement, the judges will converge to deliberate and defend on behalf of their top five candidates. Together, they will come to a consensus on the top five finalists for each award category. 

Once a final decision has been made, the shortlist will be announced during the Finalist Announcement.

Applications Open: April 10, 2023

Looking to take your career to the next level? Then make sure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to apply for Stelliers 2023! Subscribe to our newsletter today be the first in the know when applications open.

Good luck!


Applications for Greater China Open in One Week!


Meet Kitty Huang – Stelliers 2023 Judge!