An Interview with Chef Lim – Creator of the 2021 Stelliers Grand Awards Ceremony Menu


Chef Lim of the Ritz-Carlton Guangzhou has carefully curated the menu for our special guests joining the Awards Ceremony celebrations on the 10th December. Meet Chef Lim and hear a little bit about his career journey thus far and what inspired him when creating this year’s menu.

1.  What inspired you to create the menu for the 2021 Stelliers Grand Awards Ceremony? 

My inspiration for the menu and its theme was ‘glitz & glamour.’ I wanted to create a menu that accurately reflected the significance and magnitude of the 2021 Stelliers Grand Awards Ceremony. This event is a celebration where hospitality professionals come together to recognise and make a toast to the crème de la crème of the industry. I took inspiration from this to create the menu which I know will complement and enhance such an important occasion.

2. Why did you join the hospitality industry? 

I have always been a people person and knew from very early on in life that my calling was to be a chef. Naturally, the one place in which I could fulfill both of these two wants of mine was the hospitality industry. I can not only pursue my passion of the culinary arts, but I am able to do so in an environment that suits my personality, and allows me to meet with new people almost every day. They say that if you find a job you love doing, you never work a day in your life. This is certainly true for me.  

3. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?  

It would not be one, but both my deceased grandparents who brought me up when I was young.  As I progressed in my career and began working overseas, I could spend very little time with them in their later years. It was my grandfather who inspired me to pursue my passion for being a chef, and my grandmother taught me much about how to be a good person in life. My path to this day can be traced back to our dinners together on my grandmother’s dining table, so I would definitely choose to relive those moments. 


4. What is your advice for the younger generation of hoteliers aspiring to become a chef? 

Understand that it’s not all glitz and glamour, but if you have the right mindset, you’ll feel like you never worked a single day. Don’t be tempted and choose easy ways out. What you invest in yourself, both in skills and personal growth, will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Don’t miss out on the delectable dining from Chef Lim at the Stelliers 2021 Grand Awards Ceremony – get your tickets today.


Join us Next Week!


Church Road & Stelliers 2021