Christine Gamarra - Stelliers 2022 Judge!


Christine Gamarra

Former position: Senior Operations Lead, Deloitte

Christine is a graduate of Ecôle hôtelière de Lausanne and a certified Sommelier with over 29 years of experience as a hospitality professional, 18 of which have been in Asia. Christine is currently based in Spain and formerly worked with Deloitte, a leading global provider of customer experience measurement services for multinational companies with complex customer interactions. She understands better than most the important role our nominees play in providing perfect customer experiences and brings valuable knowledge to the panel.

Christine managed a global portfolio of hospitality clients in Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East, and her interests lie in mentoring aspiring hoteliers. She has contributed columns to Biz Events Asia and is an examiner for the EHL student recruitment interviews. We look forward to once again having Christine provide her keen eye and extensive experience as a member of our expert panel of judges.


Our judging process is composed of five experts who, between them, hold a plethora of industry-specific skills and knowledge. The selection process of the judging panel is rigorous to ensure the right balance of experience, objectivity and knowledge.

Once a submission is complete, the application moves on to the next step - vetting process.

Vetted applications are shared with the judges. They will individually review the applications for each award category, then select their top five candidates.

First Judge Meeting

Prior to the Finalist Announcement, the judges will converge, deliberate and defend on behalf of their top five candidates. Together, they will come to a consensus on the top five finalists for each category. Once the final decision has been made, the shortlist will be announced during the Finalist Announcement.

Are you a hotelier in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Macau and interested in applying for Stelliers 2022? 

Apply Now!


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