A Note From Our Founder

Dear Hotelier Community,

Once again it has been another challenging year for the hospitality industry. Yet, we have been fortunate to witness first-hand just how much your talent and resilience has enabled many beloved establishments to continue navigating the tough waters brought on by the pandemic this past year.

Unfortunately, the travel industry in China continues to face yet another challenging period of time. With the current restrictions that are in place, and based on our understanding of the domestic travel guidelines across the country, we will not be able to host a national event. Instead, we will announce and celebrate our Stelliers 2022 winners online via a virtual event that will be hosted on December 16th, 2022.

While things continue to pose a challenge, we are hopeful that this is the beginning of the end of what has been a taxing few years and that, once we are on the other side, this beautiful industry will bloom again – as it has been doing throughout the rest of the world. These special times have tested the resilience of our industry over and over, however, we have no doubt that you will continue to demonstrate your ability to find creative solutions that will enable you to thrive once more. 

Stay safe, stay healthy and thank you for your understanding as we, too, navigate these unprecedented times.

I look forward to seeing you all online soon for the Stelliers 2022 Virtual Winners’ Announcement on December 16th!


Stephane de Montgros

Co-Founder, Stelliers


2022 Winners’ Announcement – We’re Going Virtual!


Meet Alex Walter | Director – Hospitality, Residential and Corporate at Life Fitness APAC